About this course

Even though diversity is exciting, it can also be confusing and lead to exclusion and bullying. It can be difficult for kids to appreciate the things that make themselves or others unique. As they grow up, they learn that sometimes we celebrate differences. But other times, we tease or put people down because of them. This can make kids feel like they have to hide the traits, talents, and beliefs that make them so special in the first place.

Through interactive videos, writing prompts, real life examples, and fun exercises, we show kids how to discover and embrace what sets them apart. Some of the topics we will cover include teaching kids how to:

    *Recognize and appreciate the things that make them unique
    *Honor that others’ likes & dislikes may differ from their own
    *Avoid making assumptions
    *Examine differences in their relationships
    *Appreciate and respect people and their differences

This course is offered in two age groupings by grade level: K-3 and 4-6.

Pricing options

We have pricing options for single users and small groups. Please contact us for details at [email protected] to learn more.

What's in this course

  1. 1
  2. 2
    • 2.1 Unique & Different

    • 2.2 See the Difference Activity

    • 2.3 See What's the Same

    • 2.4 So Many Me's

    • 2.5 All About Me Activity

    • 2.6 If You Really Knew Me ...

    • 2.7 If You Really Knew Me Activity

    • 2.8 Who Wins?

    • 2.9 Ouch, that hurts

    • 2.10 Everyone Deserves Respect

    • 2.11 Appreciate Our Differences Chat

    • 2.12 Appreciate Our Differences Journal Activity

    • 2.13 Appreciate Our Differences Challenge

    • 2.14 Thank You!